capture 2011 remember it

hello,all my dearest one.Just skip this photos
i just want to share news from me!
Like we are sleeping,I almost cant beleive this month already running to May!
2011 is almost passedin 4 months!I just thought yesterday was January
Ow,talks about school,its never enough there so manyyyy manyyy things to do and make it finish soon

But it is crazy if ME,I and my dont joy it.
I more enjoying this life because I have one MIRACLE
I have one brother was borned,THANKS ALLAH SWT,I promise I will protect,save and teach him 
his named Gilang Prayoga Effendhi
-love love love love love love-
 So.....Always thinking everyday as Bonus
beleive it,yoour day will be filled by the joy



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